TfA Project Group

TfA have been working in the biofuels and bioenergy sector for 20 years and bring unique expertise in biotechnology project development being the only engineering consultancy to successfully implement a greenfield ethanol biorefinery in Australia. TfA have also been involved in feasibility studies for numerous proposed biofuels, bio-digestion and biotechnology projects throughout Australia. This covers a variety of feedstocks including sugar cane, wheat, bagasse, sorghum, biomass, waste and tallow and a range of end products including first generation and cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel, renewable biofuels, protein and myco-protein.
TfA services include town planning, project management and engineering design services. As clients engineers, we act as an interface between the client and international technologists to evaluate technologies, coordinate regulatory approvals, master plan the site, perform preliminary engineering, develop local construction budget cost estimates and the provision of detailed design in accordance with Australian engineering standards. TfA have personally visited many Biorefinery plants in the USA and Europe, attended Fuel Ethanol Workshop conferences and presented at a number of Australian ethanol, biofuels and Bioenergy Australia conferences.
Contact: Keith Sharp -