Presentations (Bioenergy Australia)



Case Studies/Projects

Australian Renewables (ARENA)

View ARENA Funded Bioenergy Projects

Biomass Producer Website

The Biomass Producer portal provides a wealth of case studies on bioenergy for primary producers.

View the portal

Australian Biomass for Bioenergy Assessment (ABBA)

The project provides a national database of biomass resources for bioenergy across Australia.

An Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI) interface has been created as a central source for renewable energy mapping data and information.

View project details

Bioenergy Association of New Zealand (BANZ)

This database showcases projects in New Zealand and internationally (implemented by New Zealand based companies).

View Bioenergy Projects Directory 

World Bank

Private Participation in Renewable Energy Database.

View Renewables Database - Bioenergy


Miles Mason from New Energy Corporation, speaks to Bioenergy Australia about waste to energy projects in Australia

This video speaks to a presentation by Miles Mason at the Bioenergy Australia 2012 national conference attended by 264 delegates from Australia and the region, where Miles was one of 100 speakers on a wide range of topics. He gives his insights and experiences in the establishment of waste to energy projects in Australia.

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