Bioenergy Australia Reports
We commission a number of industry reports. Read our reports below.
Securing our Fuel Future: Resilience Through Low Carbon Liquid Fuels (March 2025)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia, this report illustrates the growing fuel security risks in Australia, driven by the decline of traditional fossil fuel refining and the increasing reliance on overseas imports. This Report examines the future of fuel refining in Australia and outlines the opportunities for a domestic Low Carbon Liquid Fuels market to strengthen energy independence while supporting decarbonisation.
Transitioning Australia’s Liquid Fuel Sector: The Role of Renewable Fuels (May 2023)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia with the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Alliance of Australia and New Zealand and the Cleaner Fuels Alliance to illustrate the role that renewable fuels can play in decarbonising the Australian economy and explore key policy levers that would incentivise production and uptake of renewable fuels. This report will provide an insight into actions that Australian governments could take to progress the transition of renewable fuels domestically. Read our report here
Turning Circle: How bioenergy can supercharge Australia’s circular economy
(April 2022)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia with the Renewable Gas Alliance (RGA) and Circular Economy Network (CEN), and produced by GHD. This report highlights that by shifting from a linear waste management model to a circular economy, Australia can move from being one of the highest per capita waste generators in the world to a recycling and remanufacturing powerhouse. Read our report here.
Fertile Ground: The role of digestate in Australia’s circular economy (April 2022)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia with the Renewable Gas Alliance (RGA) and Circular Economy Network (CEN), and produced by GHD. This report highlights that Bioenergy will play a central role in creating a circular economy. Anaerobic digestion will be an increasingly important process for the supply of that bioenergy, in the form of biogas. As biogas production increases, so will digestate as its corresponding residual output. Digestate offers an economical, enriching fertiliser that bolsters and replenishes the soil, while reducing waste to landfill and lessening GHG emissions. The sooner we do more with digestate the better. Read our report here.
Biomethane Gas Injection Report (April 2022)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia with the Renewable Gas Alliance (RGA), authored by Mark Jonker and prepared by Helmont Energy to provide a high level review of the gas injection studies that have been completed by the Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (FFCRC). The purpose of this Review is to identify the opportunity available to the
biomethane industry that could lead to an amendment of the current gas injection
standard that applies to natural gas in Australia (known as AS4564). Read our report here.
Bridging the price gap for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (March 2022)
Comissioned by Bioenergy Australia with the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Alliance of Australia and
New Zealand (SAFAANZ) and authored by Philip Link, Michael Hallam & Sharon Malobaby of EnergyLink Services Pty Ltd. This report presents the findings and recommendations of EnergyLink Services Pty Ltd, and was prepared to develop recommendations on how to bridge the price gap between SAF and conventional aviation fuel in Australia based on international policy experiences. Read our report here.
Ethanol As Australia's Octane Enhancer - Implementation Of The Aromatics This report, comissioned by Bioenergy Australia explores the potential for ethanol in Australia. Australia is well-positioned to achieve legislated aromatic reductions using ethanol which will have broad environmental benefits, generate new jobs and regional investment, reduce greenhouse gases, and improve fuel security. Prepared by Keith Sharp and Bhavisha Kallichurn of TfA Group. With thanks to the the US Grain Council and Manildra Group. Read our report here. |
The significant report Biogas Opportunities for Australia prepared by ENEA (with support from the International Energy Agency, Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Australia Renewable Energy Agency and Energy Networks Australia), identifies the significant opportunity for the development of a biogas industry, as well as identifying the barriers and challenges currently presented. Read our report here. |
The report was designed to identify the current status of Australia’s bioeconomy, and it provides insights to assist Australian governments in understanding how they can accelerate policy to support the creation of a new industry for Australia. The first state-of-the-nation assessment of the sector identifies key gaps and barriers to development for Australia’s bioenergy economy, as well as providing an overview of the multi-faceted benefits of bioenergy. Read our report here. |
Bioenergy Australia Economic Recovery Proposal (May 2020)
Bioenergy Australia has been working hard to ensure Australia’s bio future is at the forefront of policy maker’s minds as they consider stimulus measures and economic reform to support Australia’s recovery from COVID-19. Our first piece of work was a proposal for stimulus measures to support Australia’s clean future industries. You can view the stimulus proposal here.
Shovel Ready Sample of Bioenergy Projects Across Australia (May 2020)
To demonstrate the readiness of the industry to respond to the proposed stimulus, we have now provided a supplementary paper with a selection of shovel ready projects from around the nation. This sector has so much to offer Australia by creating jobs, increasing resilience and supporting a greener future. We are ensuring our members’ voices are heard and the potential of our industry is realised. View the list shovel ready projects here.
Industry Reports
CSIRO/BOEING - SAF State of Play Report - one year on from the SAF Roadmap, November 2024
NSW Government - Sustainable Aviation Fuel Prospectus, April 2024
Queensland Government and Deloitte - Catalysing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Australia, December 2023
CSIRO and Boeing - Sustainable Aviation Fuel Roadmap, August 2023
A4ANZ - An Australian Roadmap for Sustainable Flying
IEA - Aviation Analysis Report, September 2022
ENEA, Deloitte - Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) Bioenergy Roadmap, November 2021
CEFC - Energising resource recovery: the Australian opportunity, May 2021
CEC - Clean Energy Australia report 2021, March 2021
WBA - Biogas: pathways to 2030, March 2021
EEA - Bio-waste in Europe — turning challenges into opportunities, June 2020
IPA - Putting waste to work: Developing a role for Energy from Waste, June 2020
KPMG - Potential economic pay-off of a circular economy for Australia, April 2020
IEA - Global Energy Review 2020, April 2020
NASEO & EFI - 2020 U.S. Energy & Employment Report, April 2020
IEA - World Energy Outlook Special Report "Outlook for biogas biomethane, March 2020
CEFC - Clean energy and infrastructure: Pathway to airport sustainability, 2020
IEA Bioenergy - Advanced Biofuels – Potential for Cost Reduction, 2020
Climate Works Australia - Moving to zero: accelerating the transition to zero-emissions transport & Net zero momentum tracker – transport report, 2020
Fuels Institute - Biomass-based diesel, 2020
ARENA - Renewable Energy Options for Industrial Process Heat, November 2019
EPA - Research Report 279: The Role of Incentivising Biomethane in Ireland using Anaerobic, June 2019
Clean Energy Council - Clean Energy Australia Report 2019, April 2019
CEFC, ARENA - Biofuels and Transport: An Australian opportunity, 2019
IRENA - Advanced biofuels: What holds them back?, 2019
IRENA - Navigating the way to a renewable future: Solutions to decarbonise shipping
IPCC special report - Global warming of 1.5 ºC, October 2018
IRENA, IEA, REN 21 report - Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition, April 2018
WBA - Global Food Waste Management: an implementation guide for cities, May 2018
CEER - The future role of gas from a regulatory perspective, March 2018
Deloitte - Decarbonising Australia’s gas distribution networks, November 2017