Renewable Gas Alliance Chair Update

Over the last few months, it has become increasingly clear to all that whilst renewable electricity will play a critical role in Australia’s green energy future, it alone will not be sufficient to allow Australia to meet carbon reduction goals.

MEDIA RELEASE: Delorean Corporation advances Victorian bioenergy project at critical time for Australia's climate change stance

Delorean Corporation’s DEVO project is strategically located in the agricultural area of Stanhope and co-located at Waranga Green Energy (WGE) Piggery. The plant will receive local organic food and agricultural waste streams that would otherwise be destined for landfill and process it to create renewable energy for the immediate and broader community and businesses.

Biomethane Method Development

Regional, green and powerful: Bioenergy Australia congratulates Energy Minister Angus Taylor for supporting the development of an ERF method for biomethane from agricultural

The greening of our gas

“Now we’re cooking with gas” is an age-old Australian catchcry for anything triumphant. But what if that gas could be green? Something derived from food waste? Or perhaps crop waste, pig-farm slurry, landfill or wastewater?

The sweet smell of sugarcane jet fuel

An innovative Australian biotech leader has recently entered into a partnership to turn sugarcane waste into jet fuel. It’s an exciting development for the emerging biofuel sector, which is taking

Neste Joins Bioenergy Australia

Neste, the world's largest producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) becomes the newest member of Bioenergy Australia (BA).

Biofuels could drive net neutral by 2050

The widespread adoption of biofuels for a multiplicity of uses could see farmers at the forefront of the drive towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner.